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Tag: manual

Articles tagged as Manual

Perform Your Own Automobile Maintenance

Posted on January 25, 2024 by Willard Fraire
Today's cars can typically be likely to pass the 200,000 mile mark with consistent automobile maintenance.With the price tag on automobiles, you will need to protect that investment by performing regular maintenance.When you can do a lot of the task yourself, you will put away lots of money in labor.Choose good group of tools and choose quality parts when performing your personal automobile maintenance...

Car and Truck Alternators

Posted on June 22, 2023 by Willard Fraire
Has your vehicle's alternator failed? Are you currently sure that it is not your battery or starter? Determining which part has failed is vital toward avoiding unnecessarily replacing a thing that hasn't failed, like your battery.Let's have a look at some actions you can take to determine your alternator, actually, has bit the dust.If you possess an alternator testing machine, you can attempt to see whether your car's alternator is charging correctly...